Listen Up

Rick Banister says “Listen up!”
Let people in the open-source community know you are listening by responding promptly.
Listen to more than just what users are saying, look for context clues to reach a greater understanding.
Fall in love with the problem, not the solution.
A language gap can still yield an experience overlap.
Don’t just listen to users’ words, observe their actions.
Don’t act like the expert, be the apprentice and let your users teach you everything they know.
Suspend your judgement in order to listen objectively.
Let data ask all the questions.

Some background:

About Rick Banister

Rick Banister is a designer at Automattic, currently leading the Jetpack design team.
He studied multimedia design at the University of the Arts in Philadelphia. After graduating in 2005 he worked as an interactive art director for an advertising agency. He then became a partner in a small digital agency and built his first WordPress sites on WordPress 2.0. After seven years in client service he joined a DIY community startup, helping build a user base of 50,000.
Four years ago he reentered the WordPress world by applying to work at Automattic. Since then he has worked on GlotPress,, and Jetpack. He works remotely from New York’s Hudson Valley with his wife Ada and dog Lima Bean.

About his talk at #WCNashik

Listening is a key skill in a design practice. Stakeholder interviews and research are helpful tools, but only paint part of the picture. Growing as a designer requires an ever increasing amount of empathy.
The designer must become an active listener, open to new experiences, free of biases, and ever curious. Automattic incorporates listening into its design work in a number of ways—this talk will explore a number of those to give the audience a sense of how to be more receptive to customers and clients.
Designers at Automattic use techniques like ‘active listening’, observing user behavior, looking for the right problem considering solutions, suspending judgement, debiasing, and exploring data from all angles to avoid dubious correlations in order to best serve our customers.

Well I always hate saying this “Did you book your seats?”, Common become a part of amazing Nashik WordPress community, do book your seats here Very few seats left!


WordCamp Nashik 2017 is over. Check out the next edition!