Gaurav Pareek

Gaurav Pareek

Gaurav Pareek is a web professional and a free software advocate, and has donned many hats in his ~8 year long career in technology. He has experience in running an agency, doing in-house software development, dealing with clients, handling contracts, building WordPress plugins and themes, and doing customer service.

He started using WordPress in 2010, and started contributing to the community in 2012. Gaurav has done small contributions to WordPress core, and has spoken at 3 WordCamps during this time. Currently he works as a Happiness Engineer at Automattic.

Apart from WordPress, he also participates in the Ubuntu and GNOME communities. He spoke at GUADEC in 2016 about the importance of accessibility in software, and in general contributes to multiple other open source projects.

TOPIC: Working remotely, mental health, and life-hacks

This talk is ideally intended for everyone participating, but will be more geared towards people who work remotely, or from a home-office.
This includes freelancers, contractors, parents who work from home to take care of kids, and a lot more people who don’t get to interact a lot with people. However, the hacks I will discuss will be useful for people who work in traditional office environments as well.

Mental health is a taboo in Indian society, and apparently nobody wants to talk about it, especially people who are going through things. In this talk, I will talk about my own struggles about living and working alone, identifying issues that you might have, and some ways to optimize your circumstances to make the most of life.

Don’t forget to book your seats here before they are sold out!

See y’all at WordCamp Nashik 2017!


WordCamp Nashik 2017 is over. Check out the next edition!